Picture of With Company's Team
Picture of With Company's Team
Picture of With Company's Team Member

Ana Adelino

Multidisciplinary designer

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Designer with a (serious) relationship with perfectionism. Responsible for creating beautiful and functional outcomes. Ana is a fitness enthusiast with a passion for traveling. If you have cute and funny dog pictures be sure to show them all, she'll love it.

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Ana Matias

Experience Designer

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Ana is a product designer by heart, fluent in irony with a passion for human beings, the human mind, behaviour, colours, and a little bit of everything (except spiders).

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Ana Oliveira

Strategic Designer

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Ana is a designer with a passion for strategy and activism. A terrible dancer that loves cats a little too much. Don’t get too close, or she’ll try to feed you some tiramisu.

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Assunção Sampayo

Service Designer

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Service Designer passionate about public services, loud laughs and getting people together. She strongly believes the world would be a better place if everyone was open to "walk a mile in someone else's shoes". Enthusiastic and energetic, Assunção is easily interested in her surroundings, but her favorite things are travelling, reading and cooking.

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Daniela Valdez

Creative Strategist

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Strategist & copywriter with a focus on purpose branding and positive impact. Obsessed with research, facts, and too many seemingly unrelated things.

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Henrique Nascimento

Innovation & Design Lead

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Mostly known for being Portugal's third baby of the '90s, Henrique develops future-proof systems and experiences based on systemic design thinking to help companies and organizations leap forward.

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Joana Azevedo

Communication Designer

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Joana is a graphic designer with a despise for coffee but a love for sleep to balance it. You may usually find her searching inspiration for her typography in the children’s book section at any bookstore.

Picture of With Company's Team Member

João Delgado

Digital Designer

Picture of With Company's Team Member

João is a designer with the curiosity of a child, always looking for new ways of seeing things between design, technology and art. He’s also obsessed with the color blue, for some reason.

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Maria Gomes

Designer & Project Lead

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Design do-it-all, Maria is weirdly organised for someone so forgetful and can use her hilarious dyslexia creatively. She loves travelling and is a sportaholic with a life-long fight to resist chocolate.

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Rita Pureza

Culture Designer

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Rita started as a psychologist but prefers to be called a culture designer. Loves to dance like nobody's watching (that's why her dog is called Foxtrot).

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Rui Quinta

Managing Partner & Creative Director

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Serial - not serious - entrepreneur, likes funny jackets (who could've guessed). Rui holds the world in his pocket and likes mountains.

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Sofia Carvalho

UX Designer

Picture of With Company's Team Member

A curious mind turned UX Designer and Researcher, self-titled “UX Diva” and stationery hoarder. Sofia is definitely in touch with her inner-child, but this child likes drinking cocktails.

Picture of With Company's Team Member

Tiago Nunes


Picture of With Company's Team Member

Designer who can also talk business. Tiago loves getting stuck into the process, building prototypes and coming up with his fair share of crazy ideas. He loves surfing and is a proud dog owner.

Picture of With Company's Team Member


Partner Company

Picture of With Company's Team Member

At Major, making a forward-looking, social impact on the world around us is serious business. We want to make it effortless for people to have great, meaningful experiences that empower their lives, online and offline.

Picture of With Company's Team Member


Partner Company

Picture of With Company's Team Member

We are No One and we believe in the power of people working together to design amazing products and organizations.

Picture of With Company's Team Member


Partner Company

Picture of With Company's Team Member

We are not just a company, we are a team of 6 grownups that still behave like a child. Kind of. Through Toyno and our creations we found a way to express our late childhood.

Our team starts from within and scales globally

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